Acupuncture and Herb

Our clinic is devoted to providing quality, holistic and natural health care for our clients. Through the use of acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine, we can help to promote the healing of many ailments and imbalances of the mind, body and spirit.

Medical Education/Certification

• 2013, Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine, American Liberty University

• 2001, Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine, Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

• Diplomate in Acupuncture, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

• Diplomate in Oriental Medicine, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Licensure • Virginia (license # 0121000487) Get to know Dr. Thuc-Dan

Dr. Thuc-Dan comes from a family with generations of practitioners of traditional oriental medicine, and received her earliest training in childhood from her father and grandmother. She has been practicing acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine since 2002

Medical Education/Certification • 2013, Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine, American Libe... Read More

Medical Education/Certification

• 2013, Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine, American Liberty University

• 1997, Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, South Baylo University

• 1992, Graduate, Institute of Traditional Oriental Medicine (Sai Gon, Viet Nam)

• Diplomate in Acupuncture, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

• Diplomate in Chinese Herbology, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Licensure • Virginia license # 0121000424

Get to know Dr. Tuan

A third generation acupuncturist and herbalist, Dr. Tuan began receiving family training in traditional oriental medicine in early childhood while growing up in Viet Nam. Dr. Tuan began practicing medicine in his native Viet Nam in 1986, and has been practicing acupuncture and traditional oriental medicine in the United States since 1997.

Dr. Tuan has devoted his life to the art of healing, and has been recognized by two of his almae matres with awards for “devotion to the medical profession and outstanding patient service,” and “excellence in academic achievement.”

Now a faculty member of South Baylo University (Virginia campus), Tuan teaches Master’s level courses in traditional oriental medicine and conducts internships at his clinic to help support the next generation of healers.

Medical Education/Certification • 2013, Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine, American Libe... Read More

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